Marine Mammal Commission

2022 Marine Mammal Commission Letters and Agency Responses

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2022 Commission letters and agency responses are provided as PDF files below. Download times of large PDFs will vary based on connection speed. Additional information on PDFs.


Proposed rule to establish a seasonal manatee protection zone at the Florida Power & Light Cape Canaveral Energy Center Interim Warm-water Refuge in Brevard County, Florida.

View Letter

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

Not available yet.

Application from Aaron Lynton to film humpback whales in Hawaii.

View Letter

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Not available yet.

Application from Alaska Veterinary Pathology Services to export marine mammal parts.

View Letter

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Not available yet.

Amendment application from Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium to conduct research on wild and captive manatees.

View Letter

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Not available yet.

Amendment application from Alaska Department of Fish and Game to receive, import, and export marine mammal parts.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Not available yet.

Proposed rule to authorize taking of marine mammals incidental to construction and operation of the Ocean Wind, LLC wind energy facility (Ocean Wind 1) offshore of New Jersey.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Not available yet.

Application from USGS to conduct research on northern sea otters.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Not available yet.

Application from the Burke Museum to import, export, and receive marine mammal parts for scientific research.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Not available yet.

Application from Kathleen Hunt to import and export marine mammal parts for scientific research.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Proposed amendments to the North Atlantic right whale vessel speed strike reduction rule.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Not available yet.

Final Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion project in Barataria Bay, Louisiana.

View Letter

US Army Corps of Engineers and Louisiana Deepwater Horizon Trustee Implementation Group

Not available yet.

Notice of Intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement assessing amendments to the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Not available yet.

Application from Adam Pack to conduct research on humpback whales and other cetaceans.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from Dennis Clegg to export and conduct research on marine mammal parts.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from Elsie Sunderland to import marine mammal parts for scientific research.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from Robert DiGiovanni Jr. to conduct research on marine mammals in the U.S. waters from Maine to Virginia.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

2023-2028 Proposed Program for National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing and draft programmatic environmental impact statement.

View Letter

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Not available yet.

Application from Alison Stimpert to conduct research on cetaceans in the Pacific Ocean.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from Ann Zoidis to conduct research on cetaceans in the north Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Not available yet.

Draft revisions to the Guidelines for Preparing Stock Assessment Reports Pursuant to the Marine Mammal Protection Act.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Not available yet.

Application from Robin Baird to conduct research on marine mammals in the Pacific Ocean.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Finding on a petition to revise the critical habitat designation for the North Pacific right whale.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Not available yet.

Application for U.S. Navy to take marine mammals incidental to conducting training activities in the Gulf of Alaska.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Proposed wind energy areas for commercial wind energy leasing in the Gulf of Mexico.

View Letter

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Not available yet.

Draft environmental assessment for commercial wind energy leasing and site assessment and site characterization activities in the Gulf of Mexico.

View Letter

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Not available yet.

Proposed amendments to the North Atlantic right whale vessel strike reduction rule.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Not available yet.

Draft revisions to the Process for Injury Determination, Distinguishing Serious from Non-Serious Injury of Marine Mammals.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Not available yet.

Application from the Marine Mammal Center to conduct research on cetaceans in California.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Not available yet.

Application from Randall Wells to conduct research on cetaceans in Florida.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Request for information regarding the Approaches to Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts Port Access Route Study.

View Letter

U. S. Coast Guard

Not available yet.

Request for peer reviewers for NMFS’s update to its Technical Guidance for Assessing the Effects of Anthropogenic Sound on Marine Mammal Hearing.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Not available yet.

Application from Chicago Zoological Society to import and export marine mammal parts.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from the Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program to conduct research and enhancement on cetaceans and pinnipeds.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Not available yet.

Application from Brandon Southall to conduct research on cetaceans in California.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from James Hain to conduct research on North Atlantic right whales.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from Matson’s Laboratory to import, export, and receive marine mammal teeth.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from Jim Darling to conduct research on humpback whales in Hawaii and Alaska.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from Craig Matkin to conduct research on killer whales in Alaska.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Revised application from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to conduct research on ice seals in Alaska.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Not available yet.

Notice of Intent to prepare a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for Aquaculture Opportunity Areas in the Gulf of Mexico.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Not available yet.

Application from North Slope Borough to import and export marine mammal samples.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from Dr. Heidi Pearson, University of Alaska Southeast, to amend her permit to conduct research on cetaceans in Alaska.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Renewal of permit application instructions related to the Marine Mammal Protection Act and Endangered Species Act.

View Letter

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Not available yet.

Application from North Slope Borough to conduct research on polar bears in Alaska.

View Letter

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Not available yet.

Application from National Museum of Natural History to import and export marine mammal samples.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from Dr. Lars Bejder to amend his permit to conduct research on cetaceans in the Pacific Ocean.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center to conduct research on cetaceans in the Pacific Ocean.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Follow-up to May 2022 Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Team meeting.

View Letter

Marine Mammal Fisheries Service

Not available yet.

Application from St. George Traditional Council to conduct research on pinnipeds on St. George Island, AK.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from UC Santa Cruz to import dugong samples.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Not available yet.

Application from Alaska Fisheries Science Center to conduct research on polar bears in Alaska.

View Letter

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Not available yet.

Request for information for use in a 5-year Endangered Species Act status review of the North Pacific right whale.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Not available yet.

Application from Matson’s Laboratory to import and export samples from polar bears.

View Letter

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Not available yet.

Application from Oregon State University to amend its permit to conduct research on cetaceans in the Pacific Ocean.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from Alaska Department of Fish and Game to conduct research on walruses in Alaska.

View Letter

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Not available yet.

Application from Dr. Anthony Pagano, U.S. Geological Survey, to conduct research on captive polar bears.

View Letter

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Not available yet.

Request for information for use in a 5-year Endangered Species Act status review of the North Atlantic right whale.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Not available yet.

Application from Marine Mammals Management to conduct research on northern sea otters in Alaska.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Not available yet.

Application from Dr. Jay Rotella, Montana State University, to conduct research on pinnipeds in Antarctica.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from Dr. Deborah Giles, Wild Orca, to conduct research on cetaceans in the Pacific Ocean.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from Dr. Allyson Hindle, University of Nevada Las Vegas, to conduct research on pinnipeds in Antarctica

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from Dr. Lesley Thorne, Stony Brook University, to conduct research on cetaceans in the New York Bight.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from Alaska Department of Fish and Game to conduct research on pinnipeds in Alaska.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Not available yet.

Application from Marine Life Studies to conduct research on cetaceans in Monterey Bay.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from Sealight Pictures to film gray seals at the Isles of Shoals and Monomoy Island.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from Changqun Zhang, Texas A&M University, to import samples from finless porpoises.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from Dr. Heather Liwanag to amend her permit to conduct research on northern elephant seals in California.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Application from Zoological Society of San Diego to import and export samples from cetaceans and pinnipeds.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Notice of intent to prepare an environmental assessment on commercial wind leasing in the Gulf of Mexico.

View Letter

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Not available yet.

Application from Dr. Randall Davis to conduct research on northern sea otters in Alaska.

View Letter

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Not available yet.

Application from The Whale Museum to conduct research on Southern Resident killer whales in Washington.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

View Response

Notice of Intent to prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement to consider designating the marine portions of the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument as a National Marine Sanctuary.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Not available yet.

Notice of Intent to prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Not available yet.

Draft restoration plan 3 and environmental assessment for marine mammals and other resources.

View Letter

Deepwater Horizon Mississippi Trustee Implementation Group

Not available yet.

Draft 2021 Stock Assessment Reports.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Not available yet.

Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary draft management plan and environmental assessment.

View Letter

National Marine Fisheries Service

Not available yet.

Application from Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium to import two walruses for public display.

View Letter

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Not available yet.