Scientific Publications
from the Commission
January 20, 2025
Check out our new page featuring research by the Commissioners, Scientific Advisors, and staff! To view recent peer-reviewed publications, visit the webpage.
Check out our new page featuring research by the Commissioners, Scientific Advisors, and staff! To view recent peer-reviewed publications, visit the webpage.
The Marine Mammal Commission is devastated to learn of the loss of our dear colleague Dr. Armando Jaramillo-Legorreta. For decades Armando has been at the heart and a hero of the international team dedicated to vaquita science. We embrace his intellect, passion, and joy and send all thoughts to his family and to the community dedicated to vaquita conservation.
Those wishing to submit a pre-proposal must upload by no later than Monday, October 7, 2024! Learn more here.
The Commission held a working meeting to discuss and, as appropriate, formulate recommendations and make decisions regarding three subject areas. Visit the event page to view the recording and for more details.
The Commission is pleased to announce seven projects were selected for funding in FY2024! Congratulations to all awardees!
View a summary of the results from the 450+ reported projects here.
Learn more about why whales are at risk and what can be done to help them.
The 2023 Annual Report highlights a few of our top accomplishments for 2023. Read the report
The new workshop report will serve as a resource to guide health monitoring and surveillance and better detect impacts of climate change.
The updated policy aligns with the National Science and Technology Council’s Framework on Federal Scientific Integrity Policy and Practice, and in consideration of public comments received during the Federal Scientific Integrity 2023 listening sessions.
To provide independent, science-based oversight of domestic and international policies and actions of federal agencies addressing human impacts on marine mammals and their ecosystems.
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