Marine Mammal Commission

Working Meeting of the Commission

July 25th, 2024

Marine Mammal Commission

Marine Mammal Commission Office

The Marine Mammal Commission held a working meeting from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. EDT on Thursday 25 July 2024, with a break scheduled from 3:00 – 3:30 p.m. EDT. Members of the Committee of Scientific Advisors participated in their individual capacities, but this was not a meeting of the Committee of Scientific Advisors on Marine Mammals for purposes of the Federal Advisory Committee Act. All portions of the meeting were open to the public by Zoom Webinar. Public comment was accepted throughout the meeting, with public questions answered at the end of the meeting

The Commissioners convened remotely. Although a core of staff members assembled for the meeting at the Marine Mammal Commission’s office, 4340 East-West Hwy, Room 700, Bethesda, Maryland 20814, no access to the office was available for in-person participation by the public.

Meeting Recording

All portions of the meeting were open to the public via a Zoom Webinar. Visit the Commission’s YouTube channel for the meeting recording or watch below.


For each session, there was a brief introductory presentation (~10 minutes) followed by discussion by the Commissioners and members of the Committee of Scientific Advisors, in their individual capacities.

This discussion focused on the 1994 amendments that established new provisions to govern incidental taking of marine mammals in commercial fisheries. Specifically, the Commission discussed information gaps in marine mammal stock assessment reports (e.g., minimum population estimates, potential biological removal levels, reliable estimates of human-caused mortality and serious injury, and impacts on marine mammal stocks due to pollution, contaminants, climate change, and other anthropogenic activities) and ways to address those gaps. The Commission also discussed impediments to achieving the MMPA’s take reduction goals to reduce mortality and serious injury to below each stock’s potential biological removal and ultimately meeting the Act’s zero mortality rate goal.

Efforts to Understand and Address Impacts of Climate Change on Marine Mammals

This session began with a presentation of the Commission’s work to address the impacts of climate change on marine mammals since the 1990s. The Commission also provided relevant updates since its annual meeting in November 2023. Discussion focused on specific impacts of climate change – including impacts on marine mammal health, distribution, and ecology, and challenges of preparing stock assessment reports (SARs)—and identify next steps that the Commission can undertake and/or support to mitigate these effects.



FY 2025 Request for Proposals

Every year, the Commission awards funding through its research grants program. This session began with an overview of proposal topics and awards from previous years. After the brief introduction, the Commissioners and members of the Committee of Scientific Advisors engaged in discussions about potential topics for the Commission’s FY 2025 program.

Opportunity for Public Comment & Conclusion


Please feel free to contact us with any questions or feedback.