Marine Mammal Commission

2023 Annual Meeting

ESA at 50: Challenges in a Changing Climate

An endangered Hawaiian monk seal resting on a small sand spit.

An endangered Hawaiian monk seal resting on a small sand spit (Credit: Louise Giuseffi, NOAA #16163-01).

The Commission held its 2023 Annual Meeting on November 14-15 in Washington, D.C., focused on national marine mammal science and management issues and celebrating 50 years of the Endangered Species Act and Marine Mammal Protection Act. The Commission works with agency partners to implement these acts, including the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) at the Department of Commerce, and the US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the US Geological Survey (USGS) at the Department of the Interior. These laws have led to successes and challenges; some species have recovered, others have not, and all are facing the impacts of climate change. Throughout the meeting, we used case studies of threatened and endangered marine mammals to explore national-level issues related to stock assessment, health surveillance and other management needs in a changing climate. The meeting was public and open to all.

Meeting Recordings

Visit the Commission’s YouTube Channel for video recordings of the meeting. Look for each session’s corresponding recording along the right side of this page.

Meeting Materials

Click here for a PDF copy of the draft agenda. The meeting schedule, presentations, and recordings are below.

Day 1: Tuesday November 14

8:30-9:00 AM: Public Meeting Begins

Opening Session Recording 

Cover Photo for the 2023 Commission Annual Meeting with a picture of a humpback whale

9:00-12:00 PM: Ecology and Ecosystem Dynamics Part 1: Shifting Distribution, Prey, and Threats

Shifting Distribution, Prey, and Threats Session Recording 

Moderator: Daniel Palacios, Associate Professor, Marine Mammal Institute, Oregon State University and Scientific Advisor, MMC

  1. Sean Hayes, Chief, Protected Species Division, NMFS Northeast Fisheries Science Center
  2. Donna Hauser, Research Assistant Professor, International Arctic Research Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks and Alaska Arctic Observatory and Knowledge Hub
  3. Carl Gouldman, Director, Integrated Ocean Observing System Office


1:30-3:45 PM: Ecology and Ecosystem Dynamics Part 2: Habitat Alterations

Habitat Alterations Session Recording

Moderator: Robert Suydam, Senior Wildlife Biologist, North Slope Borough (retired) and Scientific Advisor, MMC

  1. Brian Smith, Senior Advisor, Wildlife Conservation Society

Cover Photo for the 2023 Commission Annual Meeting with a picture of a Hawaiian monk seal.

Day 2: Wednesday November 15

8:45-11:45 AM: Marine Mammal Health in a Changing Climate

Marine Mammal Health in a Changing Climate Session Recording

Moderator: Randall Wells, Director of Sarasota Dolphin Research Program and Scientific Advisor, MMC

  1. Carl Gouldman, Director, Integrated Ocean Observing System Office

1:15-4:00 PM: Stock Assessments and Climate Change

Stock Assessments and Climate Change Session Recording

Moderator: Jason Baker, Marine Biologist NMFS Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, and Scientific Advisor, MMC

4:00-5:00 PM: Whales on the Brink Discussion

Whales on the Brink Session Recording

Moderator: Andy Read, Director, Duke University Marine Laboratory, and Commissioner, MMC

  • Panel Discussion
  1. Laura Engleby, Chief, Marine Mammal Branch, NMFS Southeast Regional Office
  2. Lance Garrison,  Research Fishery Biologist, NMFS Southeast Fisheries Science Center
  3. Anne Marie Eich, Assistant Regional Administrator for Protected Resources, NMFS Alaska Regional Office
  4. John Bengston, Division Director, Marine Mammal Laboratory, NMFS Alaska Fisheries Science Center
  5. Sean Hayes, Chief, Protected Species Branch, NMFS Northeast Fisheries Science Center
  6. Diane Borggaard, Right Whale Recovery Coordinator NMFS Greater Atlantic Regional Office

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or feedback.