Marine Mammal Education Resources

Female polar bear with cubs. (Ian Stirling)
Why education?
Make them your own!
Feel free to download the powerpoints and lesson plans, below, and use them as the templates for your own lessons.
We recognize the value of educating individuals of all ages about the natural world and hope to make marine science, particularly marine mammal science, more accessible to people everywhere. At the Commission, we do this regularly by participating in school visits and public outreach events and by involving high school and undergraduate interns in marine mammal science and policy. We are hopeful that these educational resources will be used by teachers during everyday lessons as well as by scientists conducting outreach in the classroom. Each PowerPoint and lesson plan is designed for a different age group (K-12) to tailor the content to the students.
PowerPoint Presentations & Lesson Plans
Grade Level: K-2
Grade Level: 3-5
Grade Level: 6-8
Grade Level: High School